Entomofauna of Mangroves
341 species of insects belonging to 122 families of 11 orders were reported for the first time from the west coast of India. Studies on insect plant relationships with special reference to herbivory in the mangroves has helped in quantifying the pest damage, biomass loss and also to assess the germination failures due to insect frugivory. An annotated checklist of all identified insects reported from India was compiled. This checklist comprises a total of 752 insect species falling into 155 families of 16 different orders, reported from mangroves of India, including those from Andaman and Nicobar Islands . In this, a total of 514 insects are described upto the species level, 228 upto genus level. The list includes insects from all different trophic levels, such as herbivores, predators, parasites and detritivorous insects. An annotated bibliography of the research work carried out worldwide in the field of mangrove entomofauna has also been prepared.

Outer view of green house

Inside view of green house

Outer view of agroshade net

Inside view of sand beds in agroshade net for vegetative propagation